Power Kart Raceway Red Cross Australia Sunday Fun-day

On Sunday Power Kart Raceway and Canmum hosted a family fun day for the Red Cross Australia Bushfire Appeal.
Planning began on late Monday evening and the event raised $3000 in total to assist families in need. Not bad for an event that was promoted only five days in advance!
Gaye the owner of Power Kart Raceway said “we are proud to support the Red Cross Australia Bushfire Appeal as the bushfires are a tragedy and have impacted many families. As a small business, we feel a duty to provide help where we can.”
Not only did Power Kart Raceway discount their go-kart races by $7 per race, but included in each ticket, was a $10 donation to the Red Cross. Donations were also provided in every sale of Jungle Golf, I-Skate (ice-skating) and the hire of the skates.
Suburban Kebabs and Bite Me Food On The Move also donated proceeds from their food and drink sales to the Red Cross along with Images Instantly providing photos of the event for a gold coin donation, BoomBox2U providing free DJ services, Face Painting Candy and Giggly Wiggly Balloons providing patrons with entertainment for a gold coin donation. All proceeds from Power Kart Raceway’s coffee sales were also donated to the Red Cross.
“Thank you for creating such a wonderful event.” Said Mark Duggan, Regional Manager of the Red Cross ACT and South East NSW.
Charnwood local Wendy Small won the raffle prize generously donated by IGA Denman Prospect and as luck would have it, it was her birthday.
“We came to Power Kart Raceway as it was my 75th birthday and I wanted nothing else other than to play a round of golf with my family and friends.”
Power Kart Raceway is located at 125 Canberra Avenue Griffith and they are available for corporate functions, kids birthday parties and their Thursday night special Date Night where couples can enjoy discounts on all attractions when bringing their date for the evening. For more information go to powerkarts.com.au

If you would like to donate to the Red Cross Disaster Relief and Recovery fund for the Australia Bushfire Appeal go to https://fundraise.redcross.org.au/drr